Functional Capacity Exam (FCE)

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) is a set of tests that are used to identify a person’s physical skills, functional capabilities, activity endurance, and work tolerances. This test is most often performed after someone who was injured while working and helps to determine what level of work a person can perform.  This test is very helpful to see if someone is best suited to stay out of work, return to work full duty or to return to work at some degree of light duty. During the exam we constantly interact with our patients to determine how they are feeling during each task.

What Occurs During a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

Before the evaluation occurs, you will discuss your medical and work history with your therapist as well as any concerns prior to starting the exam. The evaluation varies in length due to factors such as the patient's capabilities of performing given tasks and if the evaluation is performed over one or two days.

The FCE involves various tasks such as lifting, carrying, and pushing/pulling. After the evaluation, your therapist will analyze the results of the individual activities and discuss returning to work and any necessary modifications.

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