Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

What is IASTM?

IASTM and its most common form, known as Graston are used to promote healing and reduce pain.  It is an excellent form of treatment used to perform soft tissue massage, scar tissue management and myofascial release.

How Does IASTM Work?

Our physical therapists use traditional massage cream and metal tools that are designed to match the configuration of our bodies. The tool we use on a knee is different from the one we use on a finger. We perform varying degrees of force ranging from deep to superficial soft-tissue work. The tools are applied with pressure and motion to address both acute and chronic injuries.  When performing these techniques the fascia or connective tissue and muscles are mobilized.  We promote blood flow and facilitate healing. This technique can have a very good effect on decreasing pain and improving range of motion. These are two key components to getting back to the activities we enjoy. We utilize our experience to apply the right amount of pressure to promote healing. IASTM can be a part of treatment for many diagnoses. Some excellent diagnoses that may benefit from this modality are: fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, ITB syndrome, neck and low back injuries, sprains and strains of the body.

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